Fixing UI & Menu Lag

While this guide primarily caters to NVIDIA-enabled devices, it includes some elements that can benefit users of all devices.

Fix UI Lag via FiveM

  1. Open FiveM.

  2. Select 'Settings'

  3. Select 'Game'

  4. Under 'NUI in-process GPU' make sure 'Fix UI lag' is selected

Fix UI Lag via NVIDIA Control Panel

  1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel

  2. Click 'Manage 3D Settings'

  3. Select 'Program Settings'

  4. Click the 'Add Button'

  5. Find & Select 'FiveM'

  6. Click 'Add Selected Program'

  7. Select the FiveM application from the drop down

  8. Click on the 'Max Frame Rate' option

  9. Toggle this to 'On' and set a max frame rate

  10. Set it to your FPS Max Frame Rate desire

  11. Click 'Ok' then 'Apply' to save the changes

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