Server Rules

Exploring Koala Tea Gaming's server rules? Below are the rules for Koala Tea Gaming FiveM GTA RP Server

RP = Roleplay OOC = Out of Character KTG = Koala Tea Gaming

Koala Tea Gaming is based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Your RP should reflect what would happen in Australia. We understand this is a game, and some of the things that happen do not directly reflect Australian behaviour, like constant robberies, etc., but we do ask that you think about where the city is based when RPing.

Violating any of these rules may lead to verbal warnings, cards, temporary bans, or permanent bans.

Koala Tea Gaming reserves the right to not provide feedback or retract strikes or bans from players.

General Rules:

  • A working, quality mic is required. All communications must remain in English.

  • No robbing players or player-owned vehicles with less than 3 police officers, except if the players are at an illegal manufacturing or money-washing site.

  • No robbing/hostage-taking at all clean job sites, except if the players are both within gangs. This includes all steps involved in the process of clean jobs and any items involved. (Player-owned businesses are not a clean job site)

  • Hospitals, Police Stations, and Prisons (Outside Perimeter) are designated safe zones, meaning no hostile roleplay is permitted in or around these areas. Using the Safe Zone to evade conflicts or escape consequences from outside the zone is not allowed.

  • No scamming for anything classed as ‘clean’. Illegal activities are to be conducted at your own risk.

  • Players under 18 are welcome here, but we expect a level of respect and maturity from all members of the community.

  • Blatant combat logging may lead to a 24-hour ban. Talking OOC in the city can also result in a 24-hour ban.

1. Respect

  • Do not be disrespectful. The use of inappropriate language, any form of racial, homophobic, sexist, discriminatory language, hate speech, bullying, suicide, or sexually violent roleplay will not be tolerated.

  • Respect is to be held by all community members in and out of the server. This includes interactions in Discord channels, Twitch chats, and other platforms connected to the server. Disrespect in any of these spaces may lead to punishment.

  • Sharing other community members' private information without their consent will result in a ban.

  • Koala Tea Gaming will not be held liable for your own personal actions towards another player or community.

2. Staff

  • Do not pretend to be staff at any time.

  • Do not private message developers, admins, or moderators outside of the server discord about server issues you will need to place a support ticket in the appropriate discord channel. Any messages received will more than likely be ignored.

  • You are not to deal with server rule breaks yourself, all issues are to be reported to server staff to be dealt with.

  • If you are unhappy with the treatment you received from the staff feel free to DM Code or create a support ticket.

3. Police Numbers/Emergency Services

  • A hostage situation requires at least 6 paramedics for an ambulance hostage or 6 police officers for a police hostage.

  • Any form of illegal activity should not be performed 15 minutes before/after restart.

  • A maximum of 6 participants is allowed for all heists, robberies, and PvP. (Expectation of recognised organisations)

  • Shooting police and paramedics should be a last resort. Consider the severe consequences of harming emergency workers. The city needs police for it to function, and so does criminal activity. Focus on RP that doesn’t involve taking them down every time.

  • Stealing an emergency vehicle or uniform must be for a valid, pre-planned reason, not just for fun. Uniforms can only be used once within 24 hours for that specific RP and cannot be taken from inside a police station or hospital—they must be taken from a living officer or paramedic. The same applies to gang clothing, which must be taken from a living member you've held up or taken hostage and used within 24 hours.

  • Riots are not permitted unless approved by the admin team.

4. Breaking Character

  • Stay in character at all times. There is to be no OOC (Out of Character) conversation within the server.

  • If an issue arises, fully role-play the scenario and file a player report if necessary. Do not break character or inform the player they are breaking a rule in-game.

  • Avoid actions intended to bait others into breaking role-play.

  • Our server does not have an OOC chat feature, so you’ll need to role-play to discover information. While some questions can be asked in the Koala Tea Gaming Discord, most will need to be found out through RP. Do not use Twitter or other means in the server for OOC questions.

5. Trolling

The following behaviors will not be tolerated:

  • RDM (Random Death Match): Attacking or killing another player without a valid reason or role-play context.

  • When attacking someone, clearly identify yourself and explain your reasons for the attack; otherwise, it may be perceived as RDM.

  • VDM (Vehicle Death Match): There is zero tolerance for running people over within KTG. If you are being shot at (while within a vehicle) your priority should be getting away or shooting back, do not use your vehicle as a weapon. DeSync is not an excuse to get away with VDM.

  • Cop Baiting: Intentionally drawing attention from Police because you are bored and want to have a police chase or shootout etc.

  • Traffic Zones: These are designated areas to stop or slow down traffic during an active emergency situation. You must either stop and wait until the scene is cleared or turn around to find another safe route. Traffic zones are marked as white circles on the map and are not meant to indicate "action." Using them to interfere with role-play will result in punishment.

  • Please do not intrude on other players' RP; allow it to unfold naturally. If someone is being dealt with by the police and you have no reason to be there, move on and focus on your own RP. Avoid interjecting to "save" someone you don’t know or have no reason to assist.

  • Modding: Any modding will result in an immediate ban with no second chances.

  • Exploits: Please report any exploits. Exploiting may lead to punishment or permanent removal.

6. Mature Content

  • The city contains 18+ content. Please be respectful to community members; NO MEANS NO! Any form of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. This includes NO rape or overly erotic RP, NO role-playing as a person under 18, and NO suicide RP, disability RP, or any other discriminatory RP.

  • Extracurricular activities must be done in private housing.

  • You must remain clothed at all times. While we allow certain naked body parts for specific clothing options, they are not intended for walking around naked.

7. Fear RP/Valuing Life

  • Failing to realistically fear for your life when threatened with weapons or serious harm is not acceptable.

  • When confronted with the threat of death, treat it as you would in real life: you are mortal and have only one life. If someone holds a gun to your head for your wallet, you would hand it over.

  • Antagonising gangs, police, or armed individuals without a valid character reason is not permitted.

  • Players should avoid inserting themselves into ongoing situations or shootouts involving two groups or a group and the police.

8. KTG New Life Rule

  • Each time you are fully downed (Die) you are “killed” out of that individual RP that led to your “death” This means the previous up to 30 minutes of the past events within the hostile RP are to be forgotten.

  • When downed and you receive medical treatment from an on-duty paramedic/police or you are taken to a hospital by someone you may remember your past RP BUT we ask that you take into consideration the injuries you sustained and be groggy and forgetful not just remember everything bit by bit.

  • NLR is only for hostile RPs, not if you accidentally crash your bike and go down. If you wish to RP memory loss that is perfectly fine but it is not forced.

  • The time between you being downed and waiting for alpha you are unable to remember or use any of the information you hear or see as technically you are unconscious and will not be able to hear and see anything regardless of whether you are revived or not.

  • If you're "downed," you must not rejoin that RP for 30 minutes. This includes returning to the scene, even if it's just to retrieve your vehicle. This rule applies to everyone, including the Police.

  • If you're downed and revived by paramedics, you must complete the medical RP and follow their decision on whether you need to go to the hospital. Only paramedics can decide this. You cannot rejoin the RP for 30 minutes, and this rule also applies to the Police.

  • Pronouncing yourself dead at a scene means you're permanently killing off your character. Your character will be completely wiped from the database.

Q: Can my friend tell me what happened?

A: If someone clearly witnessed what happened, it’s up to you whether you choose to act on that information. However, ensure that the person sharing the details knows that in character and not through hearsay.

Q: Can I use my “bodycam” to go back and see what happened to me?

A: No.

Q: Can a body be moved after being down?

A: No, the body must remain where the downing occurred. The only way it can be moved is if it is found legitimately within RP by friends, police, or paramedics.

Q: Can I flex my G muscle to notify the paramedics after my phone and radio have been physically confiscated?

A: No, you must be found legitimately within RP by friends, police, or paramedics.

  • You cannot block medical attention from police or paramedics. By that point, you should be far away from the scene anyway.

  • Do not use this as a way to block or prematurely end RP. Not every hostile situation needs to conclude with the KTG NLR.

  • Do not use this rule to exclude or block the police from investigating RP by ending every encounter with them.

  • This rule is not a guideline for how your RP should unfold. Intentionally using it to "wipe" someone from an RP is considered power gaming. RP should naturally progress this way only if it makes sense within the scenario.

9. Role Playing Injuries

  • Use common sense, role play your injuries as if you’d experience them in real life.

  • The health bar is not an indication of your injuries if you are shot 3 times but your health bar has not decreased this does not mean you are uninjured.

  • Role-play your injuries by laying down, crouching after a crash, leaning against a wall, or limping. You MUST show signs of being hurt. Our F3 menu offers a great selection of emotes to assist with your injured RP.

  • If you are revived by a paramedic, please don’t just walk away as if you’re done. The RP continues! Spend some time explaining your injuries or your experience in the hospital.

  • Do not combat log or use the alpha ambulance to bypass the respawn timer or avoid medical RP with the paramedics.

10. Power Gaming

  • Using methods outside of the game to gain an advantage or failing to integrate into the world in a sensible manner is prohibited.

  • Spam Emoting, ie prone or anything similar in combat.

  • Using controlled RP, or extra functionality to gain advantages in RP.

  • Using any form of vehicle inside of a building that does vehicles should not be inside of.

  • Using your friends as hostages is not allowed; please find a random person to take hostage for your RP.

  • Using /do in a way that makes no sense in RP to gain control of the situation and ultimately win, ie: “/do break handcuffs.” Or “/do tears through rope ties to pull a hidden weapon.

  • Using a known bug or issue in your advantage to win a scenario.

  • Using knowledge of the rules to stop, avoid, or manipulate an RP.

  • Driving a vehicle while cuffed.

  • Carrying while cuffed.

  • Talking, organising, or calling out locations while downed is not permitted.

  • Holding spawn points that force users to experience a black screen is prohibited.

  • All motorbikes are not to be used in the initial getaway phase of any form of heist.

  • Flopping (U) during RP indicates that your character is down and out of the hostile situation. Please do not get up after "flopping" and re-engage in the RP.

11. Meta Gaming

  • Purposely using or sharing information that your character did not acquire in-game (including Twitch chats and Discord channels) to influence in-game role-play is not allowed.

  • Calling for backup while being held at gunpoint without transmitting through in-game voice.

  • Using Discord tags in-game to identify someone’s affiliation is considered meta-gaming and is not allowed.

12. Exploiting

  • Using bugs or additional features to gain in-game perks, inventories, cash, etc., is prohibited.

  • Transferring assets between characters is not allowed.

  • Using a job menu action in an inappropriate role-play scenario (e.g. mechanics repairing a vehicle while in pursuit) is forbidden.

  • Selling or handing out emergency service equipment will result in an immediate ban.

13. Realistic Roleplay

  • Role-play your scenarios as you would experience them in real life.

  • If you see a door labelled as locked, even if it appears open, you must role-play as if the door is locked.

  • Role-play realistic injuries after an accident, and remember that you wouldn't approach a known criminal or dangerous area due to fear for your life.

  • Having multiple characters from the same player in one gang or group is not allowed. Avoid creating multiple characters involved in the same story or scenarios, as this can lead to using the same information to advance personal goals.

  • Hitman role-play is not allowed.

14. Bad Faith Reporting

  • Bad-faith reporting occurs when a player withholds evidence of a server rule break and submits the report much later than the time of the incident, violating the expectation that reports should be made promptly after the rule break. This also applies if a banned player or a player facing disciplinary action begins submitting reports for the same behavior, potentially in retaliation or to target others unfairly. Punishments will be handed out for the individual submitting reports in bad faith.

Additional Information:

Selling or purchasing anything in-game for real money is against FiveM TOS and KTG rules. This will result in a permanent ban with no appeal. If you are willing to jeopardise our server for personal financial gain, you are not welcome here.

  • We grant Whitelist status to community members who consistently create great RP, adhere to the rules at all times, and are helpful to everyone in the City and Discord. Please note that you cannot apply for Whitelist status.

  • Keep all concerns and issues out of the game; address them in Discord. Bring them to the admins, and ensure the conversation remains civil rather than turning into an argument.

  • Be prepared to lose certain situations in which you may not always be in control.

  • Player wills must be arranged with the character for whom the will is being made and an in-game lawyer. These must be created at least one month (IRL) before your character's permanent death.

  • All costs (lawyer fees, car contracts) must be covered by your character, and the transfer of items must be handled by the lawyer in-game without any developer assistance. Transfers between you and your new character are not allowed.

  • Only our Verified or Trial organisations are permitted to represent a color, turf, and name in KTG.

  • Hostile friend group RP is limited to a maximum of 6 players and applies to criminal activities (such as banks, robberies, and PvP).

  • Gang applications are available on our website. Obtaining verified gang status within KTG is challenging, so please apply only if you are serious. We do not accept gangs that have been successful on other servers; you must demonstrate your capabilities through role-play in KTG.

Website: Docs:

Server rules are subject to change at any time. Last updated 01/11/2024

Last updated