In-Game Support

Need help while playing on Koala Tea Gaming? Check out these quick tips for common in-game questions and issues:

How do I play on this server?

Make sure you have read the rules. You can find them on our discord or F2 in-game. This is a FiveM-based server so you will have to download and install the FiveM client as well as have GTA V installed. Once you have downloaded FiveM you can connect to Koala Tea Gaming by searching it in the search bar or using F8 and paste connect in the bar and press enter.

Spawn under the map?
  • Open chat (T) and type /die, you will die and when the alpha ambo is ready spawn back at the hospital.

  • You can also put a report it through (T) then type /report stuck under map could I get some help please. Sometimes staff can be busy so may not attend your report so best to just respawn.

Voice chat is not working?

If you experience that your voice is not coming through and/or can not hear anyone around you, make sure you have all settings turned on correctly in esc>settings>voice chat. Make sure your Input and Output settings are set up to the correct device, as well as sensitivity and volume in the very bottom are turned up to max.

Looking for a Phone or Radio?

You can find a phone or radio at any 7/11s, locations can be found here, use ALT on the counter to access the store.

How do you access the bank?

Head to a bank marked on the GPS (ANZ Bank Logo), here you can see your bank funds, transfer, withdraw and deposit money. You will also be required to set up a pin in “Settings” for you to use ATMs.

How do I apply for a player-run job?

All job applications can be found on our website, Job Applications.

I have applied for Police/Ambulance, when will I hear back?

The lists for applications are long and the recruitment team for each job is doing their best to go through the applications as fast as possible. Please be patient, ETA. 1-2 Weeks. If you are waiting to join the police check the police queue located here. You will not be contacted if your application is denied.

Can’t find your vehicle?

Open chat (T) and type /vehicles, this will show you all your owned vehicles along with where the vehicle is located.

What's the best job?, How do I get drugs?, What's the fastest car?, How do I join a gang?

These are questions that you need to find out through roleplaying with others. Talk to people.

Can I make my own gang?

Gang apps can be found on the website, It is very difficult to obtain verified gang status within KTG so please only apply if you are serious. We do not accept gangs who are successful on other servers you must prove yourself within RP in KTG. Organisation Application

How do I make my game graphics look better?

Some of our community members use a mod called Natural Vision Evolved. You can find instructions on how to purchase and install this mod on their website.

Last updated

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